Six photos: A Marquee saying the show is sold out, a group rehearsal picture, and four performance pictures with Meg, Cecil, Symphony, Jeffrey and Disparition.

Welcome to night vale live shows

Night Vale’s unforgettable live shows bring the audience into the story in surprising and thrilling ways. Over the years, our live shows have become the heart of the Night Vale experience. They are unique theatrical evenings that take you to our weird little town in a way you can't get from listening to the podcast at home. The live shows are entirely stand-alone and do not require any knowledge of the podcast, so bring a friend or a parent or a child or a neighbor.

While we aren’t currently touring, you can still see and hear our amazing past live shows. Find audio of our past live shows on Bandcamp and the Zoom recordings of the live performances we produced during COVID on Patreon. No paid membership is required to purchase the Zoom recordings, but please consider becoming a member while you're there. It's how we are able to keep making Night Vale for you!

For the latest news and announcements, including future live tour announcements, sign up to receive our newsletter here.